Pesky Silverleaf whiteflies

Ever wondered how to get rid of the white or lotion coloured creatures, resembling an ant once and for all? Silverleaf whiteflies are one of those tiny pests that can engage in havoc if left uncontrolled. These tiny insects are really powerful capable of even destroying the entire vegetation!

Feeding whiteflies extract important plant nutrients, causing defoliation, stunting and poor yield. Sticky honeydew is excreted by whitefly nymphs and adults, promoting the growth of black sooty mold on leaves. The sticky residue allows the fungus to grow, turning the leaves black and making it harder for them to photosynthesize.

Silverleaf whitefly has been reported on an estimated 500 plants worldwide. Silverleaf whitefly populations feed on various plants, particularly the undersides of leaves. They are also known to feed on crops, such as tomato, eggplant, and cucumber.

Direct damage is caused by the removal of sap, and indirect damage as a disease vector. The Silverleaf whitefly is a vector for several important virus diseases of lettuce and melons in the southwestern United States. Both the adult and nymphal stages contribute to direct damage.

A major crop pest can make tomato plants lie to their neighbors

Whiteflies use plants’ chemical eavesdropping powers to get an easier meal

By Susan Milius │April 4, 2019

Silverleaf whiteflies can make a tomato plant give off deceptive smells that trick neighboring plants into becoming easier targets for the insects’ attack.

Don’t blame the tomato. Tiny pests called Silverleaf whiteflies can make a tomato plant spread deceptive scents that leave its neighbors vulnerable to attach.

Sap-sucking Bemisia tabaci, an invasive menace to a wide range of crops, are definitely insects. Yet when they attack a tomato plant, prompting a silent shriek of scents, the plant starts smelling as if bacteria or fungi have struck instead. Those phony odors prime neighboring tomato plants for an attack, but not from an insect, an international research team found.

Those plants prepare to mount a fast and strong resistance against an incoming pathogen. But that high alert suppresses the plants’ chemistry for resisting insects and “leaves them far more vulnerable to the whiteflies when they arrive,” says Xiao-Ping Yu, an entomologist at China Jiliang University in Hangzhou.

Control of Silverleaf whiteflies is difficult because the eggs and older immature forms are resistant to many aerosol and insecticide sprays (in addition, the adults are extremely resistant to dry pesticide residue). Evidence or the same is given below:

Pesticide-resistant whitefly could ‘devastate’ many US crops

By Kerry Sheridan

A tiny, invasive whitefly that is resistant to pesticides and carries crop-devastating viruses has been found outdoors in the United States for the first time,
raising concerns among fruit and vegetable growers.

Having whiteflies outdoors makes the problem “much more difficult to control,” and they may never be fully eradicated, said Lance Osborne, a professor of entomology at the University of Florida.

The resistance to pesticides—that is what really sets them apart,” he told a few dozen growers who attended a recent session to learn about the whitefly in Homestead, an agricultural area south of Miami.

C Tech Corporation offers a range of extremely low toxic and extremely low hazard insect aversive repellent, which can be successfully used to keep these pesky creatures at bay.

Combirepel™ is an insect aversive repellent manufactured by C Tech Corporation, used against all types of insects and which works on the mechanism of repellency. It means that it does not kill the target insects but only repel them, thus balancing the ecology and helping in maintaining the goal of sustainability.

This product can be easily used against a number of insects.

The product available in the form of masterbatch can be incorporated into the base polymer of applications like the wire and cables, pipes, agricultural films, and mulches, irrigation pipes, etc.

The lacquer can be applied as a topical application on the fence, wooden objects, furniture, frames, etc.

Combirepel™ liquid concentrate can be diluted in paints in a pre-determined ratio can be applied on walls and many other end applications to keep the Silverleaf whiteflies away from homes, gardens, and greenhouses.

CombirepelTM pest repellent spray can be sprayed on infested and susceptible areas to keep them away from the application.

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