Roaches – the most prevalent pests!!!

Yes the roaches irrelevant of which of the species they may belong to, they are undeniably among the most prevalent pests in most places of residence.

They are deemed a nuisance because of several reasons!! Let us go through them one by one.

They spread the filth and unpleasant order in the surrounding areas as they usually leave in close association with people. They also ruin the food, fabrics and book-bindings.

They disgorge portions of their partially digested food at intervals and drop faeces. They also discharge a nauseous secretion both from their mouths and from glands opening on the body which give a long-lasting, offensive cockroach smell to areas or food visited by them.

The most important reason of the nuisance is their ability to spread diseases. They are responsible for potentially causing food poisoning in humans. They are also responsible for transmission of diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, staphylococcus, streptococcus, hepatitis, typhoid and dysentery. They can also be a risk for people with allergies and asthma when they make their homes indoors.

Hence the nuisance created by them is the deadliest and cannot be avoided as they are found everywhere. There are many evidences of the nuisance of these nocturnal roaches let me mention few of them.

Tenants say cockroaches infesting Peterborough apartment building

By Niki Anastasakis Videographer Global News │ November 22, 2018

Cockroaches infesting Peterborough apartment on Talwood Drive

Tim Bissonnette says cockroaches have been infesting his 8 Talwood Drive for years, but the problem has gotten worse in recent weeks.

“We can’t have our cupboard doors closed, we can’t turn off our kitchen lights, we can’t turn off our bathroom lights because that’s when the cockroaches will come out.

“We give care packages to every new tenant that comes into the building of Diatomaceus earth because they are not told about this problem,” said Bissonnette.

If the cockroach has an egg sack, Bissonnete says it could produce another 30 cockroaches if not treated properly. Bissonnette says he finds them in the bathroom, kitchen, the elevator and just about everywhere.

Cockroaches force closing of Bob Evans

2nd eatery shut in week by inspectors over pests

Ashley Sloboda | The Journal Gazette │September 28, 2018 

Bob Evans in southwest Fort Wayne closed Thursday after health inspectors found dozens of cockroaches in the restaurant, including among food being prepared on the kitchen line, according to the inspection report.

It’s the second restaurant on the city’s southwest side to close this week because of roaches.

The Fort Wayne-Allen County Department of Health received a complaint Wednesday directing inspectors to check under the cooking area of the Village of Coventry restaurant.

“Cockroaches – treating it themselves,” the complaint said. “Don’t want public to know but they can’t get rid of them.”

The restaurant declined to comment when reached by phone Thursday afternoon.

Along with a can of roach spray on the ice machine, inspectors found “harborage conditions” and cockroaches running across the kitchen floor; among clean plates; and among food being prepared, the report states.

Traps contained more than 40 live cockroaches, inspectors reported, noting dead cockroaches were also in the restaurant.

Students say rental apartment full of cockroaches

CTV Kitchener ; October 17, 2017 

The first time Winnet Runhare and her roommates visited their new Waterloo apartment, they saw a cockroach.

They assumed it was an aberration, and didn’t think much of it. “Two weeks in, we started seeing a lot more,” Runhare says.

Now, Runhare and her roommates find cockroaches in their kitchen, their bedrooms, and other areas of their apartment. It’s at the point where two of the three students have moved out, vowing not to return until the insects are gone. The third is staying put, but doesn’t want to cook in the kitchen.

Going through the evidences one come to know that the roaches’ nuisance is not restricted to only one sector but found in each sector such as residential, hotels, airlines, etc.

Though the roaches are tropical in origin they are also found in the habitat where warmth, moisture and food are adequate. The roaches are known for their extraordinary survival skills as they move towards the places where they find water.

Roaches usually live in groups. As they are nocturnal in nature they are active during nights and during the daytime they hide in the cracks and crevices in walls, door frames and furniture. They are also found in the secure places like bathrooms, cupboards, steam tunnels, basements, electric devices, drains and sewer systems.

The roaches also run from dishes, utensils, working surfaces and floors in search of food in the kitchen areas. They make their way toward any water source including irrigation systems, swimming pools, and leaky water pipes or faucets.

Roaches are the important pests as they feed on variety of food from starchy and sugary materials to the cardboards and nails of babies and sick/sleeping persons.

Hence to help alleviate or else completely eradicate the infestation we C Tech Corporation provide you with the best effective solution CombirepelTM.
CombirepelTMis an anti-insect aversive developed on the grounds of green chemistry and technology.

CombirepelTM is an eco-friendly product which acts as an aversive to repel the pesky insects like roaches.  CombirepelTM do not kill the targeted as well as non-targeted species but just repel them causing no harm no to human and environment.

CombirepelTM is available in the form of masterbatch, liquid concentrate, lacquer, wood polish additives and a spray. Our CombirepelTM masterbatch can be used in polymer base applications like wires, cables, irrigation pipes, polymeric vessels, and other various applications.

CombirepelTM liquid concentrate can be mixed in the paints to cover the areas like cracks and crevices of walls and hidden places where the roaches tend to survive. The lacquer is the topical coating to cover the places like bathrooms, cupboards, steam tunnels, etc.

CombirepelTM wood polish additive can be mixed with the wood polish and applied on the wooden surfaces, furniture, bookshelves, etc.

CombirepelTM pest repellent spray can be sprayed on the infested area to repel the pests.

CombirepelTM is thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU BPR compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Hence we provide you with the best effective solution.

Contact us at to keep the pests away.

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Car damage? Blame the rodents!

Woodchucks occasionally eat garden or field crops and can cause considerable damage in a very short period. But have you seen woodchucks damaging vehicles??

Surprised?? Well, it seems they have developed a taste towards the car components besides seeking shelter under the hood.

The groundhog, also known as a woodchuck, is a rodent belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots.

They are usually seen in our fields and gardens burrowing and making tunnels but apparently, they are found under the hoods biting our car components.

The automotive wirings are made of food-grade plastic for a long time now. These make the parts easier to recycle and to meet sustainability targets set by the different government policies. Though ‘green’, these wirings give off a faint smell when warm, which attracts the rodents and they chew up cars.

The soy-based content on wiring and fuel lines attract the pests turning vehicles into a moveable feast for pests.

News reported were:

Woodchucks Destroyed Paul Ryan’s Chevy Suburban

July 19, 2018

While its common for rodents like mice, rats, and squirrels to chew on engine wiring, it’s less common to hear about woodchucks chowing down on this vehicular “delicacy.” Earlier this month, however, House Speaker Paul Ryan had a personal encounter with some destructive groundhogs.

During a speech to The Economic Club of Washington D.C., he expressed sadness over his Chevy Suburban’s demise. “My car was eaten by animals. It’s just dead.”

Ryan went on to articulate the woodchuck ordeal. He had parked his Suburban at his mother’s house in Wisconsin for the winter. when the engine wasn’t working, he towed it to the dealer. A closer investigation revealed chewed wiring as the cause of the vehicle’s death. Apparently a whole clan of woodchucks had been living in the Suburban’s underbody, to keep warm during the chilly season.

Woodchuck responsible for starting car fire in Steamboat Springs euthanized

Firefighters were worried the woodchuck would start another fire

By Matt Stensland | Steamboat Today │May 22, 2017 

The woodchuck had climbed into the engine compartment of a Toyota 4Runner that was being stored at a ranch.

After the new owner picked up the car, it caught fire while he was driving to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get it registered.

The driver pulled into the Steamboat Today parking lot, and the woodchuck was seen fleeing the scene.

What’s under the hood? A groundhog!

Lou Whitmire, Reporter | May 18, 2016

MANSFIELD – You can’t just chuck out a woodchuck.

That’s what Carolyn Cyrus learned after a groundhog decided to burrow into the engine compartment of her 2015 Honda CR-V on Tuesday evening.

She got into her car about 7 p.m. Tuesday to go to Drug Mart, and was backing up when she noticed she had no power steering.

She went back inside to get her husband, Roy, who came outside and confirmed the lack of power steering.

Her husband lifted the hood and found the culprit hiding in the engine: a huge groundhog.

“After prodding and poking that thing, he still wouldn’t come out,” Carolyn Cyrus said.

So they put a bowl of dog food outside the car, hoping to lure it out.

Wednesday morning, the dog food and groundhog were gone, Cyrus said.

That was the good news. The bad news?

Her car needs to be repaired. She found three pieces of chewed wire on the ground, and she doesn’t know how much it’s going to cost. She’s not sure if critters crawling up in the engine are covered under the warranty or insurance. The car was towed to the dealership where she purchased it, and she is concerned about when she will get it back.

You can buy the most dependable car on the earth and still face these problems. So what can you do to this?

The solution available with C Tech Corporation to this nuisance is a onetime solution and the need of the hour for the automobile industry. Our products are a blend of green chemistry and smart technology.

Our product Combirepel™ is an extremely low toxic, non-hazardous rodent aversive. This product acts through a series of highly developed intricate mechanism ensuring that rodents are kept away from the target application. Our eco-friendly products do not kill the target species but only repel them. The product is compliant with ROHS, ROHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU BPR, and FIFRA exempted.

The product triggers a fear response in rodents thus protecting the application. It causes severe temporary distress to the mucous membrane of the rodents due to which the pest stays away from the application. The product triggers an unpleasant reaction in case if the pest tries to gnaw away the application. After encountering the above-mentioned emotions, the animal instinctively perceives it with something it should stay away from and stores this information for future reference. The fact that certain rodents are repelled is mimicked by other rodents as well. Thus, the other rodents too stay away from the applications. The unpleasant experience is imprinted within the animal’s memory and passed on to its progeny.

The products are available in the form of a spray, solid masterbatch, liquid concentrate, and lacquer.

Our newly developed product in the form of spray is a must-have product for every car owner! The Combirepel™ Pest Repellent Spray is specially designed for cars. The product can be sprayed on the car components after clearing the dust and waste from the components. The product when applied properly repels the rodents and protects the cars from rodent damage.

The product available in the form of solid masterbatch can be incorporated into the polymeric applications like wires and cables, pipes, oil filters, polymeric switch panels, components of ignition box, fuel tanks, fuel hoses, foam seats, airbags, tires and other polymeric components from cars while they are manufactured. Thus, making the end application rodent resistant.

The product available in liquid concentrate can be diluted in paints and can be applied to interior and exterior of the cars. It can be applied over the bonnet, bumper, doors, trunks etc. The liquid concentrate is compatible with all kinds of paints and solvents.

The already installed cables, electric junction boxes, cable carriers, polymeric hoses, fuel tanks, battery box,  and ducts, etc. from the cars can be coated with our lacquer to protect them from the pests gnawing these applications and thus preventing car accidents. The lacquer is transparent product and it does not wear off easily.

By using our products, you can get an effective and long-lasting solution against pest nuisance.

You could thus contribute to us in using products which are eco-friendly thus causing no damage to the environment.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

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Bark beetle infestation in your woods and forests!

Aerial survey of forested land in North America show large paths of dead trees. The trees are supposed to be green. But the invasion of bark beetle has led to the death of trees in large numbers.

A tiny beetle has left the forestland dangerously vulnerable to death.

There are more than 600 species of bark beetles throughout the U.S. And since the bark beetle outbreak began back in 1996, these beetles have affected more than 41.7 million acres of land in the U.S. That’s about the size of the entire state of Florida! Since there are so many different types of bark beetles, it seems there’s a bark beetle out there for nearly every tree type.

Bark beetles survive in trees that are stressed, diseased, or injured; either by human activity or during storms or wildfires. They primarily attack cedar, fir, pine and spruce trees. 

Pine bark beetles create tunnels under the bark, and the shape and location of these tunnels can help you identify the species causing the infestation (see inset). These tunnels are on both the inside of the bark and the outside of the sapwood. The presence of these tunnels is a sure sign of infestation.

A Columbia University study calls the bark beetle “one of the world’s most aggressive tree-killing insects,” while the U.S. Department of Agriculture asks, “How can something so small kill something so big?”

Since 2010, an estimated 129 million trees have died just in California’s national forests because of the drought or bark beetles. That means 30 trees have been dying, on average, every minute!

Bark beetle outbreaks expanding in Colorado

By Ryan Lockwood │ January 15, 2019

A band of orange trees reveals the impact of roundheaded pine beetles in a stand of ponderosa pines in Dolores County. Photo: Dan West/Colorado State Forest Service

Bark beetle outbreaks have continued to expand in parts of Colorado, based on a 2018 aerial forest health survey conducted by the Colorado State Forest Service and U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region. Every year, the agencies work together to monitor forest health conditions on millions of forested acres across the state.

178,000 acres of high-elevation Engelmann spruce were affected statewide in 2018.

Approximately one-third of these affected acres were new, or previously unaffected areas. Primary areas impacted include forestlands in and around Rocky Mountain National Park, and portions of the San Juan Mountains, West Elk Mountains and Sawatch Range.

Over the last 18 years, spruce beetle outbreaks have caused tree mortality on more than 1.8 million acres in Colorado, and approximately 40 percent of the spruce-fir forests in Colorado have now been affected. Blowdown events in Engelmann spruce stands, combined with long-term drought stress, warmer temperatures and extensive amounts of older, densely growing trees, have contributed to this ongoing epidemic.


By Brian Kenety │ July 8th 2018

The Czech Republic’s largely coniferous forests are facing the worst bark beetle infestation in at least 200 years. The lower house of Parliament is due on Tuesday to discuss both emergency and long-term measures to combat the voracious insect, which kills spruce trees. 

The amount of spruce wood damaged by bark beetles has risen steadily in the past few years, from 2 million cubic metres of spruce wood in 2015 to more than 5.5 million cubic metres in 2017. Experts are warning that the nation’s forests could be wiped out if the current monoculture forestry format is not unchanged.

Systemic insecticides, meaning those that are implanted or injected through the bark or applied to the soil beneath trees, have not been shown to prevent attack or control populations of bark beetles.

The trees are dying at an alarming rate. What can be an effective solution to prevent this infestation? C Tech Corporation’s CombirepelTM is an effective solution against bark beetle infestation.

CombirepelTM is available in the form of the masterbatch, which can be incorporated with the polymeric applications like tree guards, pipes, agricultural films, wires, and cables, etc. to keep insects at bay.

The product available in the form of liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a predetermined ratio and can be applied topically on the applications.

The product available in the form of lacquer can be used as a topical application and can be applied on the tree trunks to keep the insects at a distance from the trees.

To keep the insects at the bay CombirepelTM pest repellent spray can be sprayed or coated on the tree trunks.

The product is also effective against a multitude of other insects and pests like ash borer, mayflies, thrips, aphids, etc. The repelling mechanism of the product would ward off the bark beetles and other insects that could cause damage. Thus, by using CombirepelTM would effectively ensure that the area around us remain safe and protected from the pests for a long period of time.

Why resort to killing when we can just repel them!?

Contact us at to keep the pests away.

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Rats of sky

Are those the rats with wings? Are they even rats?

They aren’t rats. Those are the pigeons who are called rats of the sky!

Let’s know why so.

Like the rodents, pigeons’ droppings too pose a health risk and so are they called the rats of the sky.

When it comes to pigeons, everyone’s a hater. They’re filthy disease carriers! Parasites of the urban environment!

Pigeons are commonly found around farmyards, feed mills, parks, city buildings, bridges. They are also a common sight around home bird feeders. Pigeons inhabit lofts, church steeples, attics, caves and ornate architectural features of buildings where openings and flat surfaces allow roosting, loafing and nest building. Nests consist of sticks, twigs, and grasses clumped together to form a crude platform.

They are definitely fine feathered friends, but in reality, birds can be a real nuisance causing costly damage to homes and business premises.

They are known as the ‘rats of the sky’ for a reason. Pigeons carry a range of diseases, some of which may be transmitted to humans if droppings contaminate foodstuffs. Pigeons have been implicated in the transmission of diseases such as pigeon ornithosis, encephalitis, and salmonella food poisoning. For this reason, their presence cannot be tolerated in and around food premises. They also carry mites which can cause skin disease and dust from their feathers can cause respiratory problems.

Large numbers of birds in and around sheds, livestock and poultry facilities, and farm buildings can cause damage and unsanitary working conditions. Birds may consume and contaminate food and water, potentially transmitting diseases to livestock and poultry. Accumulated droppings are messy and can corrode farm equipment. Nests often plug drains and gutters, and birds may cause additional damage by destroying insulation.

Pigeons, familiar to most people, are an exotic (non-native) species. They are generalists in their feeding habits; although they prefer grain and seed, they consume garbage, insects, bread, and other handouts from people. Around barns, pigeons can subsist on spilled or improperly stored grain. Now, many countries have implemented laws to ban the feeding of pigeons.

The droppings can cause a huge mess to your apartment balcony and patio, staining and threatening the surfaces of your outdoor furniture. The acidic quality of pigeon droppings can eat away at your car’s paint, causing significant and costly damage to your automobile.

In addition to being a threat to human health, pigeons can be a threat to human safety, particularly around airports, where pigeon flocks have collided with aircraft, causing human fatalities. Startled flocks can take flight suddenly, causing hazards to motorists and pedestrians.

Utah town stuffed with wild turkeys and some have had their fill

By Michael Anderson

Published: December 17, 2017

MENDON, Cache County — Hundreds of wild turkeys are flocking through the streets, leaving a mess behind and making lots of noise in the town of about 1,500.

“I’m sitting in my office right now, looking out the window, and there is close to a hundred turkeys out on the city square right now,” Mendon Mayor Ed Buist said Tuesday.

“They’re kind of cool in a way, but there’s just way too many of them,” said homeowner Karla Davidson. She has long gotten over the novelty of the holiday birds.

“They make a mess of the yard. There’s turkey poop everywhere. It’s on the sidewalk and tracked into the house,” Davidson said.

Pigeon nuisance growing in Las Vegas valley

By Brittany Edney ; September 15, 2017

LAS VEGAS – Depending on how big of a pigeon problem residents have in southern Nevada, the price to get rid of the critters can be hefty.

An easy fix runs around a hundred dollars but could run as high as $10,000 if you wait too long. Experts say the damage pigeons can leave behind can’t be taken lightly.

Pigeon droppings are disgusting, to say the least. Their feces can attract vermin, such as mice, rats, and flies, and, because it is highly acidic, will stain, and possibly eat away the underlying surface. The caustic nature of pigeon droppings has caused significant damage to roofs, especially tar-based structures, and has been known to cut the roof life in half in some cases.

The hour is asking for a solution which would prevent these birds from roosting and perching in our nearby areas. To provide with a solution C Tech Corporation has come up with a unique lacquer which would repel the birds – CombirepelTM bird repellent lacquer.

The bird repellent lacquer provided by C Tech Corporation is the best replacement for the traditionally used methods to prevent bird roosting and perching.

The lacquer evokes a physiological effect which the birds associate with sensory cue and then learn to avoid. Some birds use their sense of smell through which they recognize that the product is a threat. The product causes irritation to the pain receptors associated with taste. The product can be applied directly on surfaces like concrete, metal, wood, polymer etc.

The lacquer is water and corrosion resistant and does not wear off easily. It is an easy application lacquer which can help you to prevent birds from spoiling your places!

Contact us for the requirement of the CombirepelTM bird repellent lacquer and other pest menaces at .

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Are these little critters taking over your attic?

Innocent and playful might be the words you associate with squirrels. But just as these critters can be cute they can also be a menace. Squirrels are usually not harmful when they are living in your trees, but they can be very destructive and a health hazard once they invade your home. 

As squirrels have litters of babies twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, they are constantly looking for sheltered areas to build their nests. Squirrels get into the attic by chewing holes from the outside, typically above gutters, or at construction gaps where dormers meet the roofline. They may also gain entry to attics by chewing corners of trim or any other weak area that allows them access into the attic space. Attics and soffit areas make ideal nesting location for squirrels. Their height provides protection from predators and humans and allows squirrels to remain warm and dry through inclement cold weather.

Squirrels will commonly cause damage to attic insulation or will chew wires in the attic. Squirrels chew on wires  to sharpen, strengthen and control the growth of their teeth. And once they’ve chewed their way through, exposed wires become a major safety concern. Exposed wires can cause unexplained service interruptions, start fires or even electrocute anyone who touches them. As more litters of squirrels are born in or near the home, these squirrels will grow up, leave the nest and search for new areas within the attic to build their own nests.  Once inside, their nesting habits and fondness for gnawing down their incisors can cause thousands of dollars in building damage. As long as the squirrels continue to stay in the attics they will try to create more entry points.

Squirrels have also been known to chew through PVC piping. Imagine the destruction that could be caused by a damaged water line in your attic!

Let us look at some incidences where squirrel have severely damaged the attics and which lead to great financial loss

Squirrels are £20 million menace to homeowners

01 Mar 2011, The telegraph

Squirrels have been blamed for causing more than £20 million of damage to homes in Britain, including gnawed roof beams and chewed wiring. Last year, Glen and Laura Borner’s three-bedroom home in Hertfordshire burned down after squirrels chewed through electrical wiring in the loft.

Besides the estimated £20 million of damage to properties, the Forestry Commission said that squirrels also caused more than £10 million.

Flying squirrels and indoor snow make life miserable for Edina condo owner

DECEMBER 12, 2015, Star tribune

When the flying-squirrel guy told Tina Nelson that it was snowing in her attic, she knew things were getting out of hand at her Edina condo.

That was almost two years ago. Since then, the squirrels infesting her attic have been removed and the openings that let them in, along with the snow, have been closed. But Nelson continues to complain of problems with her unit at the Village Homes of Edinborough complex.

Seemingly innocuous attacks by squirrels can cost us dearly in terms of monetary value as well as human life. It is imperative that we take steps to control and contain this damage. Conventional methods of dealing with these creatures include use of toxic chemical additives, trapping. Along the years each of these tried and tested methods have failed at some level due to a variety of reasons including but not restricted to corrosion, adaptability of rodents, development of immunity to traditional poisons, etc.

They play a vital role in our ecosystem. They are great at planting trees. They bury their acorns, but forget where they put them. Hence to use toxic rodenticides to prevent damage caused by squirrels will not be an ideal solution. Also rodenticides can harm target as well as non-targeted species.

 The time has come to look for a better alternative; an effective and long lasting solution. A sure shot and effective way of doing this is ensuring that these rodents are kept away from our attics.

 A solution involving using the mechanism of repellence will be the best way to go about this as it will mean that the rodents are kept away from the attics in the long run.

CombirepelTM a rodent and animal repellant by C Tech Corporation is ideal. CombirepelTM is a low-toxic, low-hazard rodent repellant available in the form of a masterbatch which can be incorporated in the cable sheathing during polymer processing. CombirepelTM in liquid form can be coated on the cable insulation to provide short-term protection from rodents. CombirepelTM  lacquer can be applied as a topical application on the attics and also on the already installed cables. This product has been engineered with precision to work on multiple levels targeting the acutely developed sense of the rodents. It also targets the other olfactory senses causing temporary discomfort ensuring the rodent stays away from the end application.

Our newly developed products, Combirepel™ Pest Repellent Spray is an easy to use product which can be sprayed on wires and cables, electronic appliances, cabinets, so as to as avoid the rodents from entering them.

CombirepelTM   is cost-effective, inert, and thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It is RoHS, RoHS2, REACH, NEA, EU BPR, APVMA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

In our war against these four-legged terrorists, Rodrepel™ promises to be a reliable and promising weapon, making it our weapon of choice.

Contact us if you are facing problems against these little critters and also against aggressive animals as well as termites and insects.

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Notorious Beavers!!

Castor Canadensis commonly known as ‘Beaver’ is a semi-aquatic rodent. They spend most of their time in rivers and streams. Beavers are pure vegetarian; they live on fresh leaves, barks, stems, branches, and twigs. Cattail and water lily tubers are their favorite food. They have very sharp incisors which grow throughout their life.

Hence to keep them in check they chew on any kind of tree, wooden objects and sometimes on polymer pipes connected to swimming pools, sewer lines, drainage pipes etc.  

Beavers are well known for their dam building skills. They create dams to raise the water level to build their home or lodges in water. Because of this engineering skill they cause flooding to house, roads, athletic fields, yards, timberlands, croplands etc. They also cause blockages to dam canals, streams, drainage, pipes, sewer lines etc. Because of this many fish cannot reach their traditional spawning ground.  Also trees die because of this prolonged flooding.

Here are some incidences that show how beavers have affected our lives:

County Airport dealing with ongoing beaver problem

Jonathan Richie │December 21, 2018

BURNETT COUNTY–– “It’s been frustrating, so we had to bring in a guy to come in and do some beaver trapping,” Airport Manager Chuck Shultz told the infrastructure committee last week. “It’s a private trapper that the DNR in Grantsburg suggested.”

“This is a pretty common thing for Burnett County,” Rod said. “It’s hard to tell how many are left out there.”

Rod explained that the beavers live in a 30-40 acre area surrounding the airport. In that area, they have built five different dams.

Shultz said the dams create giant pools of water at the airport and the nuisance beavers are the main concern.

Homeowners and industry struggling with beaver dam flooding

‘If it wasn’t for people taking care of these beavers, these roads would be flooded constantly,’ says trapper

CBC News · August 7, 2017

‘They can cause real damage’

The situation is getting so bad, that even people who are used to dealing with nearby beavers are frustrated.

Rhonda Hall has lived on her property in Lively for 25 years. She says beaver dams have flooded her property to the point where her septic field and well water are at risk.

“People don’t understand it. They think beavers are cute and whatever,” she says.

“But they can cause real damage.”

Biologists classify beavers as ‘keystone species’. Beavers build dams in water and create wetlands upon which many species and endangered species depend. They purify and control water by filtering silt from water bodies in which they live. High water table, less erosion and cleaner water results from these beaver dams. They can also prevent forest fire from spreading in neighboring region. Beaver dams also protect downstream spawning areas from sedimentation and increase salmon and trout populations.

Hence to use conventional methods like electric fencing, exclusion fencing, frightening devices, toxicants, fumigants, toxic rodenticides would not be appropriate. As these methods directly harm beavers.

C Tech Corporation can offer a solution to overcome damage caused by beavers. Rodrepel™ is a low toxic, low hazard, non-carcinogenic and environmentally safe, anti rodent additive. The masterbatch of Rodrepel™ can be incorporated in polymer pipes, silage bags, agriculture films, mulches etc.

Rodrepel™ liquid concentrate can be added to paints which can be applied to fencing of trees, house, croplands etc.

Rodrepel™ lacquer can be directly applied to the fences, installed pipe, wires and cables, etc.

Rodrepel™ does not kill but repel. It is engineered using unique set of complex compounds. It follows 6 pronged strategy which is extremely effective on rodents like squirrel, rat, beaver, gopher, paca, marmot etc.

Rodrepel™ is cost effective, inert, thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not volatilize and does not degrade in the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, REACH, EU BPR, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

You can thus contribute to the environment by using our products.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

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Rats in hotels

People visit hotels to relax and rejuvenate. Hotel rooms have everything you need for a pleasant stay. However, the tiny notorious species commonly found in hotels and restaurants are enough to ruin your vacation leaving you with nothing but exasperation.

The species explore each and every room; mostly kitchens; and are responsible for damages. Yes, I am talking about the rodents like rats and mice.

People visit hotels to relax and rejuvenate. Hotel rooms have everything you need for a pleasant stay. However, the tiny notorious species commonly found in hotels and restaurants are enough to ruin your vacation leaving you with nothing but exasperation. The species explore each and every room; mostly kitchens; and are responsible for damages. Yes, I am talking about the rodents like rats and mice.

An encounter with a pest in a hotel can ruin a guest’s stay and result in negative comments spreading a bad reputation for the hotel, seriously affecting business. An infestation of pests can also result in authorities taking legal action to ensure public safety, especially if the kitchens, restaurants, and bars are affected.

Nearly 40% of the mammals species are Rodents. Rodents are characterized by two pairs of continuously growing incisors in the upper and lower jaws which need to be kept short by gnawing. Rats and mice are attracted by food supplies and do not venture far from their shelter or nesting sites. Rats and mice are capable of a rapid increase in population given an abundant food supply; due to the number of litters they are capable of producing and the time to maturity. They also are in constant search of places that would provide shelter from predators. They need dark and warm places to hide. This is the reason why they invade our hotels and restaurants.

Rodent presence in hotels can be indicated through the signs they leave. Droppings of various shapes and sizes; smudge marks along runs caused by their oily fur; small entry spots; gnawing on clothes, building materials, etc. are the signs which indicate rodent presence in hotels.

Rodents are the carriers for many diseases, including Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, Toxoplasmosis, Lyme disease, rat-bite fever. They can transport bacteria, such as salmonella, on their bodies and contaminate food sources and kitchen surfaces.

Rodents usually enter the hotels through poorly sealed heating and cooling air conditioning ducts, laundry area, drainage pipe holes, etc. The spacious area like hotels is available for them to accommodate and requires great efforts to completely eradicate them.

Hotels have to suffer great economic losses due to rodent menace. Rodent sighting in hotels can badly affect the hotel’s name and reputation. Therefore hotels must pay special attention to maintaining hygiene and also eradicating the rodent infestation.

Rodent Caught On Camera At Disneyland

CBS Los Angeles │May 22, 2018

ANAHEIM (CBSLA) — Critter concerns at the Happiest Place on Earth. A visitor caught a rodent on camera scurrying across the floor of one of the Disneyland resort’s hotels.

As CBSLA’s Stacey Butler reports, Disneyland tonight is taking some serious action.

The cell phone video was taken by a guest Monday night inside the lobby of the Hearthstone Lounge at Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa.

“I think it’s pretty bad to get to that state that they have rodents running around in the main foyer,” said guest Raelynn Flatters.

Guests pouring out of Disneyland Tuesday night were shocked that rodents appeared to run around the popular lounge.

“That’s disgusting,” said a visitor. “And I bet they weren’t named Mickey either.”

The Hearthstone Lounge normally serves drinks and food all day and night but for now it’s shut down.

Lincoln man said he found rodent nest in hotel bed

By Carly Jensen | │January 23, 2018

A Lincoln man said he found a rat’s nest in his bed while staying at a hotel.

Russell Fletcher said he was driving back to Lincoln from DJaying a show in another town when he decided to stop at the Syracuse Inn and Suites.

But later that night, he said he awaken by something in the bed with him.

“I feel something started about my back neck area,” Fletcher said.  “And then by the time I fully woke up, I could feel it moving around.“

Russell said it was a mouse

He said he kicked the bedding off the bed and found a nest and rodent droppings in one of the bed’s corners.  He said he also found dried up insect parts on the other bed’s frame.

Hotels do need effective and durable repellents. Hence a permanent solution is available with   C Tech Corporation in the form of a product called Combirepel™. Combirepel™ is an extremely low at toxicity, non-carcinogenic and non-mutagenic compound, low hazard, non-dangerous and environmentally safe rodent repellent.

Our product is available in the form of a masterbatch, which can be directly incorporated in the application while manufacturing and in the form of lacquer, paint additives, wood polish additives that can be directly applied as a top coat on the surface of application. Combirepel™ does not kill but only keeps the rodents away by making use of the sensory mechanisms.

Liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a pre-determined ratio and be applied to the interior and exterior of hotels, ceilings, storage rooms, kitchens, guestrooms, washrooms, etc. to repel rodents from the area required.

Our product in the form of lacquer can be directly applied to the already installed application such as furniture, attics, wooden fences, sewage pipes, wires, cables, etc. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces like metal, wood, concrete, polymer, ceramic etc.

Wood polish additive can be mixed with the wood polish and applied on the wooden articles and furniture from the hotels.

Masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like water pipes, wires, cables, polymeric equipment from hotels, etc. This would result in the final application being rodent repellent.

Our newly developed product is in the form of spray. The CombirepelTM pest repellent spray can be used by anyone and easy to use.

The product functions from a distance due to the peculiar smell which generates a typical fear response in rodents. Rodents are further restricted from biting the applications treated with our products due to advanced mechanisms like sensory stimuli modification etc.

Further, they acquire a fear towards the Combirepel™  containing products which make them stay away from the application. Thus, Combirepel™  actually helps in modifying rodent behavior. Rodents being social animals also communicate the bad experience to their population in the vicinity. Thus using Combirepel™  can give a long term relief to hotel businesses from rodents.

Combirepel™ is a product resulting from smart technology and green chemistry. Hence doesn’t harm any target or non-target species in any way, just keeps rodents away. We are committed to our environment & we believe that no harm must be caused to animals or to the environment.

You can thus contribute to the environment by using our products.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

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Spotted Wing Drosophila – A major fruit pest

The Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) is a vinegar fly of East Asian origin that can cause damage to many fruit crops.

The spotted wing fruit fly, also known as Spotted Wing Drosophila or SWD is a new pest problem that originated in Asia and was only first identified in the United States in California in 2008. The populations of the insect can be quite scattered. It has been found in many types of areas, but particularly where fruit is available for the fruit flies to feed on.

SWD larvae feed on healthy, ripening fruits. In particular, SWD will feed on thin-skinned, soft fruits such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, plums and cherries.

A single female can lay one to 60 eggs per day and 200–600 eggs in her lifetime. A female lays approximately one to three eggs per oviposition site. The eggs are laid singly and are randomly distributed on fruits.

Fruit infestation is initially manifested by scars on the fruit surface left by ovipositing females (stinging). The initial oviposition site becomes sunken. Damage is caused primarily by larvae feeding on fruit pulp turning the fruit flesh brown and soft. The larger larvae cut breathing holes in fruit. Infested fruit collapse around the feeding site very rapidly and rot due to mold or secondary infections 

Spotted wing Drosophila: A serious pest for the home gardener

This invasive fly, spotted wing Drosophila, can infest and destroy fruits of many plants in home gardens and landscapes.

June 6, 2017 – Author: Duke Elsner, Michigan State University Extension

A pink raspberry receptacle is a sign of spotted wing Drosophila. The receptacle should be white when picking raspberries. Photo by Diane Brown, MSU Extension.

Since the spotted wing Drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii, was first found in Michigan in 2010, it has become a serious pest of commercially-grown raspberries, blueberries, cherries and other fruit crops, resulting in the loss of well over 25 million dollars. This insect can also be a troublesome pest in home fruit plantings, especially for people who wish to keep pesticide use to minimal levels.

The adult SWD is a small fly, 2-3 millimeters long; the body is usually colored in shades of brown, and its large, compound eyes are red. Adult females can insert eggs through the skin of healthy, intact fruits.

The next stage of SWD is a legless, elongated maggot that feeds internally on the flesh of fruits, causing it to rapidly decay and lose fruit quality. More information about identifying SWD and the damage it makes can be found in Michigan State University Extension’s two-page publication, “Spotted Wing Drosophila Management in Home Fruit Plantings.”

Tasmanian berry growers fear spotted wing drosophila is on its way

Johanna Baker-Dowdell

As North-West produce growers within the Spreyton fruit fly zones batten down the hatches to protect their crops and livelihoods this week, berry growers at an international conference in Launceston have been discussing a far more dangerous threat: spotted wing drosophila.

The spotted wing drosophila has been highlighted as a serious threat to berry and cherry growers and it has been making its way around the world, but has not hit Australian shores – yet.

NSW Primary Industries department describes spotted wing drosophila as “a small fly similar in size to vinegar flies which sometimes gather around over-ripe fruit”.

“Most drosophila flies feed on damaged over-ripe fruit. Spotted wing drosophila is a serious pest because it attacks healthy ripening fruit as well as damaged or split fruit,” the department website states.

Many pesticides have proven to be ineffective against this pest.

Taking into mind the problems faced by the farmers C Tech Corporation has developed this unique product CombirepelTM that is been made from green technology. It is 100% ecofriendly, low hazard, low toxic. It is also an environmentally safe insect repellent.

Our product is compliant with RoHS, RoHS2, ISO, EU BPR, APVMA, NEA and REACH and is FIFRA exempted. The green technology-based product can protect the crops and prevent the loss caused by the SWD and other insects as well.

CombirepelTM is available in lacquer form. These products can be directly sprayed or applied to the application as a topical application. It can be applied to the already laid pipes and tubing in the farm. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces like wood, metal, concrete, polymers, ceramics, etc.

Our CombirepelTM masterbatch can be incorporated with various polymeric applications like agricultural and other protective films, pipes, wires, and cables etc. while they are manufactured. This will prevent the pests from gnawing on the polymeric application.

CombirepelTM is available in liquid concentrate which can be mixed in paints and be applied on the fences in the garden and farms. It can aslo be sprayed on the storage areas and equipment rooms.

CombirepelTM pest repellent spray can be sprayed on the infested area to repel the pests.

Thus, using our products, you can get an effective solution to fight menace caused by SWD and many such insects!

Contact us at to keep the pests away.

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Combating rodent menace in your food business

One of the worst nightmares for guests has been an experience of food poisoning after eating in a restaurant or some other hospitality facility. The price a restaurateur pays for not taking care of hygiene and cleanliness of a hospitality facility is very expensive.

Food hygiene ratings have a greater impact over a diner’s choice of venue than customer service.

Shiny cooker hoods, stain-free carpets, clean kitchen areas, eating and dining areas, washrooms, and beautiful exteriors – a lot goes into maintaining a hygienic restaurant that’s always busy with customers and staff.

An abundant amount of food availability, improper sanitation, leftover food, are the reasons why the pests enter a restaurant.

It’s the duty of the restaurant manager to ensure the health and wellbeing of both customers and staff. Without proper hygiene and cleanliness policy in place, a restaurant runs the risk of failing health and safety inspections, contravening compliance laws and falling out of favor with its patrons.

There are numerous instances where restaurants have been closed due to pest infestations and failure to health and safety inspections..

Let us have a look at the news reported for same.

DIRTY DINING: Suburban Delray Beach restaurant temporarily closed for rodents, insects

Sam Smink │ │November  28, 2018

A restaurant in western Delray Beach is on this week’s dirty dining list.

State inspectors on Nov. 20 say they found employees touching ready to eat food with their bare hands at the Bagel Tree Restaurant located at 6580 W Atlantic Ave.

More than 35 dry rodent droppings and about 15 fresh rodent droppings were found underneath a bread shelf by the water heater at a bagel station. Fresh rodent droppings were also found beneath a dry storage shelf.

Rat in hotpot shocks pregnant woman, shuts down restaurant in eastern China

South China Mornig Post │September 10, 2018

A man from Weifang surnamed Ma said he and his family were eating at the restaurant on Thursday night when, after a few bites, his wife found a dead rat in the soup.

Shanghai-based Kankan News quoted Ma as saying that restaurant staff had told him: “If you are worried about the baby, then we’ll give you 20,000 yuan (US$3,000) to abort it.”

The woman said she was halfway through her dinner when she found quite a few white worms in the soup. She immediately called restaurant staff who told her they were high protein and swallowed a worm to show her. There were no reports on whether authorities had intervened.

Use of mechanical traps and glue boards is common. But are they effective? The mechanical trap no longer works after an occurrence of mechanical error, while the glue boards are more dangerous when humans and pets are around. Pest control is absolutely dangerous due to their side effects. The toxic chemicals are extremely hazardous to be used near food preparation areas.

So what can be an effective remedy to keep the rodents and other pests away from the restaurants?

At C Tech Corporation we provide you with an effective solution. Our product CombirepelTM is developed by using green technology. It is an extremely low concern, low toxic, low hazard and non-mutagenic animal aversive. It is durable under extreme climatic conditions.

Our product is ROHS, ROHS2, ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:1996, APVMA, NEA, EU BPR complaint and FIFRA exempted. Our product does not cause harm to targeted as well as non-targeted species. It just repels them from the applied product. It works on the mechanism of repellency.

CombirepelTM is available in the form of a spray, liquid concentrate, lacquer, wood polish additive, masterbatch.

The CombirepelTM pest repellent spray is an easy to use product and compatible with most of the surfaces. It can be used by anyone and since it is based on green technology, it is safe to be used around food products. It is useful to repel all kind of pests.

Liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a pre-determined ratio and be applied to the interior and exterior of restaurants, ceilings, storage rooms, washrooms, etc. to repel rodents from the area required.

Our product in the form of lacquer can be directly applied to the already installed application such as furniture, attics, wooden fences, sewage pipes, wires, cables, etc. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces like metal, wood, concrete, polymer, ceramic etc.

Masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like water pipes, wires, cables, polymeric equipment from restaurants, etc. This would result in the final application being rodent repellent.

Hence by using CombirepelTM  in the restaurants, rodent damage can be prevented effectively and considerably.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

Also, visit our websites:

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Managing silverfish infestation

Did you know that silverfish eat clothing, books, wallpaper and our own food?

While they’re not usually as dreaded as spiders or cockroaches, silverfish are still a nuisance that many homeowners have to deal with every year. These little crawlers won’t spread germs or bite you, but they can really be a pain in one’s life as they create damages in our personal belongings and homes.

Silverfish feed on any carbohydrate they can find. This can result in damaged wallpaper, fabrics and clothing, and almost anything containing starches or glues. They can cause extensive damages to the valuable books, photographs, paintings, plaster and other household items containing starch or cellulose. They also cause yellow stains, lowering the value of your home.

Silverfish lay eggs all year round unlike most pests.

Silverfish get their name from the insect’s silvery, metallic appearance and fish-like shape, long thread like antennas and movements. Silverfish are found throughout the U.S. and are typically seen in moist, humid areas in the home, such as living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, basements and attics, garages and shake roofs.  In fact, shake roofs are excellent breeding sites for silverfish during the warmer months, as there’s an abundance of moisture, cellulose, starch and dead insects. From there, they can easily gain entrance and move down through the insulation to enter a structure.

Silverfish are also known to infest commercial structures such as offices, stores and libraries.

These nocturnal and delicate pests which can cause an infestation to go unnoticed for a long period of time until substantial damages have been done.

Father’s fury at housing association after a year living in a silverfish infested Westbourne flat

Daily Echo │2nd October 2018

Kamil Sahin and his 10-year-old daughter Cemo have been left disappointed by the way Spectrum has dealt with their issue.

Just last week Cemo was shocked to discover a living silverfish inside a dictionary she was using for her school homework.

“It makes me feel sick,” she said. “If an engineer came here and lifted up the carpet I think they would find hundreds of silverfish.”

Mr Sahin said the silverfish are seen on a daily basis.

Irish homes are being invaded by pesky silverfish insects

The insects can live up to three years and thrive in damp conditions

By Edel Hughes ; Irish Mirror │February 21, 2018

Irish houses are being invaded by pests, with the inclement weather creating infestations of silverfish insects in our homes.

Pest control company Rentokil reported a 171% increase in the numbers of callouts about the small wingless insects in January 2018, compared to the same period last year.

They say infestations of silverfish could be down to the damp conditions the country has experienced, as silverfish thrive in cool, dark and moist areas.

The critters, which can live for up to three years, love bathrooms as they can feed on dead skin, hair and even shampoo.

Insecticides and some biological control practices are being implemented but these are proved to be ineffective.

We need a solution that is effective, eco- friendly and easy to use.

The unique product Combirepel™ manufactured by C Tech Corporation is an anti-insect aversive which repels insects.

Combirepel™ works on the mechanism of repellency. It temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects. The product impairs the ability of the insects to reproduce, that is the insects will not lay eggs or the laid eggs will be infertile. The product causes feeding disruption in an insect by triggering an unpleasant reaction within the insect which might try to feed on the application.

The product temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.

Combirepel™ is an extremely low concern, low toxic, low hazard, non-carcinogenic and non-mutagenic insect aversive. It does not kill or cause harm to insects as well as to the environment which indirectly helps to maintain the ecological balance.

Combirepel™ wood polish additive can be mixed with the wood polish and applied on the wooden surfaces, furniture, bookshelves, etc.

The product available in the form of liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a predetermined ratio and be applied on the interior and exterior of the buildings and structures to keep the silverfish away from these places.

Our product in the lacquer form can be applied topically to the applications. The lacquer is compatible with the surfaces wood, concrete, metal, polymer, ceramic, cables, wires which are already installed etc. The lacquer can be applied on the cupboards, shelves, installed wires and cables, pipes, etc. thus protecting it from damage. The product is also effective against other pests thus protecting the trees from other pest attacks.

Combirepel™ s available in the form of the masterbatch, which can be incorporated into the polymeric applications like polymeric wires and cables, pipes, etc.

CombirepelTM pest repellent spray can be sprayed on the infested area to repel the pests.

Combirepel™ is thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU BPR compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Contact us at to keep the pests away.

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