Locusts have probably been an enemy of man ever since he began to grow crops.

Locusts do damage by eating the leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, bark and growing-points, and also by breaking down trees because of their weight when they settle in masses, and sometimes even by spoiling plants with their excrete.
Large swarms of locusts can completely strip the foliage and stems of plants such as forbs and grasses. Some species consume a variety of plants, while others have a more specific diet.
There are as many as 80 million locusts in a swarm. They wipe out massive areas and affect entire economies.
Locust swarms devour every crop in their path. Locusts eat plant material.
Each locust can eat its weight in plants each day, so a swarm of such size would eat 423 million pounds of plants every day.
Locusts in Penal village destroy crops
By Stacy Moore

Locusts rest on on a plant at Mendez Trace, Penal, yesterday. PHOTO BY VASHTI SINGH
A plague of locusts has swept into the village of Mendez Trace in Penal, destroying hundreds of crops and plants. Residents said four days ago they started seeing the locusts on their crops and the numbers increased within a few hours.
“In a short time they destroyed hundreds of crops,” one resident said, adding that he had to run inside for cover,
But another man, who recently moved into the area, said, “Some of them even got inside our homes. We could not go outside.
These past few days were something else. This is the first time I have experienced something like this.”
Others said it was the second locust infestation within the last two years.
Farmers worried as locusts invade Marsabit, Isiolo and Turkana
By Agatha Ngotho │ June 11, 2018

A pupil walks past a swam of locusts which invaded North Horr Primary School in Marsabit county, June 7, 2018. /COURTESY
Tree locusts have invaded parts of Marsabit, Isiolo and Turkana counties.
A swarm has occupied about 2,000 square kilometers (494,210 acres) in Merti sub-county in Isiolo, while residents of North Horr, Marsabit, have reported that the pests disrupted classes in some schools last week.
Pupils learned under trees as efforts to drive them away were futile.
Farmers in Marsabit resorted to hiring youths to scare away locusts that ate maize and beans on their farms.
The pests have also invaded parts of Turkana East sub-county that borders Samburu, Baringo and West Pokot.
The locusts invade trees and shrubs, unlike desert locusts which are more dangerous and feeds on grass and crops.
Usually, these locusts are trapped using net or insecticides are spread on crops to kill them. But how feasible are these remedies? Are they even effective? Definitely not. So what measures can be taken to keep these locusts away from your plants?
CombirepelTM can be used effectively against the locusts. CombirepelTM is an extremely low toxic and low hazard insect repellent produced by C Tech Corporation. It can be best described as an insect aversive repellent. It is effective against a broad spectrum of insects like termites, bedbugs, locusts, thrips, etc. It works on the mechanism of repellence and therefore does not kill the target as well as non-target species.
Being low toxic, it does not harm the soil and environment. Combirepel™ can be added to a thin agricultural film to protect plants and other crops.
Our product available in the form of masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like the tree guards and fences, agricultural films and mulches, irrigation pipes, etc. to keep these pests away from the trees and crops.
The liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints and be applied on the concrete fence around the gardens, farms, and buildings. The liquid concentrate can be applied to the interior and exterior of storage rooms used to store grains and other agricultural produce, building structures, etc.
The product available in the form of lacquer can be used as a direct application and can be applied on the tree trunks, wooden fences around trees, crops, and farms, already installed pipes and polymeric parts from agricultural equipment like motors, tractors, etc.
To keep the locusts at the bay CombirepelTM pest repellent spray can be sprayed.
Contact us at if you have problems with these insects and other pests.
We have a solution for the pest damages, for more details about our product just head on to our website-
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