Gone are the days when people used to feed the birds at public places. Nowadays people are so fed up of these pesky birds that they are looking for options to keep them away from their structure, buildings, etc. Pigeons are a growing problem in urban centers, with their tendency to use such public buildings as regular roosts and restrooms, they leave a mess.
Pigeon poo menace around St Paul’s Church in Perth
On the wings of complaints that building work on a disused city centre church is dragging on, Perth business owners are getting sick of sweeping their thresholds clean of bird mess.
By Melanie Bonn
1 SEP 2020
Companies around the incomplete St Paul’s Church transformation project in Perth are facing a new threat to business – pigeon poo.
The birds have been displaced since work resumed on the old church building at the top of the High Street in Perth, which Perth and Kinross Council plans to turn into an open public space.
Ginnie says thanks to SCAA’s airborne medics.
The roosting pigeons have moved to roofs across the road and have created a mess outside nearby businesses.
Mumbai: Andheri citizen’s group fights pigeon menace
By Pratip Acharya; Updated on: Friday, March 20, 2020

Mumbai: With civic officials busy battling the dreaded coronavirus, Mumbaikars have taken the responsibility of stopping the menace of pigeon feeding in their own hands.
Residents of Andheri west, Oshiwara and Lokhandwala have joined hands and started a drive against pigeon feeding that has been bothering the residents of suburban Mumbai for sometime now.
Many residents have complained that pigeons sit on the AC ducts and leave their droppings that cause a severe health and hygiene hazard. Residents have also complained of respiratory and lung infections caused due to the presence of this bird. “We are not against feeding of any animals or birds, but such activities should not be done at the cost of health,” said Rita Desai, a Lokhandwala resident.
More than 40 residents from different walks of life have voluntarily taken part in these clean up drives. The volunteers are allotted slots between 6 am in the morning and 7 pm in the evening. The residents also run an awareness campaign against littering, thus spreading the importance of hygiene and sanitation.
There is a solution with C Tech Corporation to keep the birds away from perching and roosting in and around the areas of metros and even different areas of the city.
CombirepelTM Bird repellent gel lacquer is the product produced by C Tech Corporation to prevent the menace caused by birds. This product is specially designed to prevent bird perching and roosting.
It is available in the form of concentrate lacquer. The product causes the bird’s pain receptors associated with taste. Some birds use their sense of smell through which they recognize that the product is a threat.The product is specially designed to prevent perching and roosting of birds. Repellent evokes a physiological effect which the birds associated with sensory cue and then learn to avoid it.
Newly developed CombirepelTM bird repellent spray is a handy product which can be used at homes.
The product is anti-corrosive and water resistant and has no effect of UV light. The product is transparent and is compatible with most of the surfaces which are easy to apply.
This lacquer and spray can be applied on the roofs, trusses and beams of the buildings, etc. to avoid the roosting and perching of birds in that area.
Thus using the bird’s sensory mechanism we can get rid of them without causing them any physical harm.
Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com to keep the pests away.
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