Cloth eater moth

Many of us can tell horror stories but none of them told stories can be horrifying than the one where the moths destroy expensive clothes!

What can be more ridiculous than the insects gnawing on your favorite clothes?!

The moths’ larvae feed on woolen carpets, clothing, upholstery, fur and stuffed animals, resulting in holes or patches if left untreated. The larvae of the common clothes moth eat their way through silk, cashmere, wool and other natural fibers containing the protein Keratin. Serious infestations of clothes moths can develop undetected in a home, causing significant damage to clothing, bedding, floor coverings and other articles.

Clothes moths are small, about 1/2-inch, buff-colored moths. Two different species are common in Kentucky, the webbing clothes moth and the casemaking clothes moth. The webbing clothes moth is uniformly buff-colored, whereas the casemaking clothes moth is similar in appearance but has indistinct dark specks on the wings.

Clothes moths are seldom seen because they avoid light. They prefer dark, undisturbed areas such as closets, basements, and attics, and tend to live in corners or in folds of fabric.

The larval stage of clothes moths is creamy-white caterpillars up to 1/2-inch long. Webbing clothes moth larvae spin silken feeding tunnels or patches of webbing as they move about on the surface of fabrics. The casemaking clothes moth encloses itself in a portable case that it drags about wherever it goes.

Damage to articles may consist of irregular surface feeding or holes eaten completely through the fabric. Oftentimes, the larvae leave the material they developed on and can be seen crawling slowly over walls or ceilings. The casemaking clothes moth, in particular, may travel considerable distances from the infested article to spin its cocoon in a protected crack, or along the juncture of a wall and ceiling.

Every one of us maintains our expensive clothes and make sure they stay for longer. But what is to be done when they are attacked.

The webbing clothes moth is infesting Parliament House in Canberra

PARLIAMENT House staff were warned today about a gross moth that is infesting the building. The tiny creatures are eating the fabric of our democracy.

By Malcolm Farr   MAY 25, 2017 10:34 AM

SECURITY is tightening around Parliament House in Canberra to counter a threat to the fabric of democracy.

This threat is a particularly voracious moth which gnaws through carpets and clothing and is a sneaky menace.

Known as the casemaking moth, it has become a big enough nuisance for an alert to be issued to all Parliament House workers today.

“Although the outbreak is currently contained, we are asking that all building occupants remain vigilant in keeping an eye out for signs that casemaking moths may be present,” said a notice today from the Department of Parliamentary Services.

“They will usually be found in carpet or clothing, and are very fond of organic fabrics eg wool, silk or cotton materials.

Clothes moths are on the march and heading your way – let the battle begin!

Members of the public are being invited to keep tabs on the nation’s clothes moths, those unwanted interlopers in our wardrobes

By Max Davidson for the Daily Mail

PUBLISHED: 09:07 BST, 10 April 2017

Had English Heritage launched Operation Clothes Moth on April 1 rather than April 6, it might have invited suspicion.

Members of the public have been asked to do many things over the years, but inviting them to keep tabs on the nation’s clothes moths, those unwanted interlopers in our wardrobes, is a first.

It is hard to imagine the French or Germans doing something so exquisitely eccentric.

But there is a method in the madness. Clothes moths are on the march, like a rampant new political party, and their numbers have doubled in the past five years alone, according to English Heritage, whose expert conservators have seen at first hand the destructive impact of moths.

Pest control methods have been used to stop the destruction of clothes caused by these moths. But those methods did not work to stop the nuisance caused by these pests. Different sprays and pesticides to stop the menace, but they could not get rid of these pests.

To stop the nuisance caused by these moths there is a need for an effective solution and C Tech Corporation has one!

The unique product Combirepel™manufactured by C Tech Corporation is an anti-insect aversive which repels insects.

Combirepel™ is available in the form of the masterbatch, which can be incorporated with the polymeric applications like polymeric cloth storage containers, cupboards, hangers, etc.

The product available in the form of liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a predetermined ratio and can be applied in the interior and exterior of houses, cloth storage warehouses, and other textile industrial areas.

The product available in the form of lacquer can be applied topically to the applications. The product can be applied to the already installed wooden and metallic cupboards. It can be applied on the selves, and on the exterior of storage devices.

The product is also effective against a multitude of other insects and pests like beetles, mayflies, thrips, aphids, etc.

Our product works on the mechanism of repellency. It temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects. The product impairs the ability of the insects to reproduce, that is the insects will not lay eggs or the laid eggs will be infertile. The product causes feeding disruption in an insect by triggering an unpleasant reaction within the insect which might try to feed on the application. The product temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.

 Combirepel™ is thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU-BPR compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Thus, using Combirepel™ would effectively ensure that the area around us remain safe and protected from the pests for a long period of time.

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