What is rat’s favorite coffee? They might be a fan of the mocha iced Frappuccino or they might like espresso. Well unlike us it’s not the coffee that attracts the rats but it’s the warm temperature, shelter, and safety to multiply and thrive.
Rats love to set up a camp inside the café because they get protected from the rain and other harsh weather conditions and continuous source of food that’s easy to find.
There are many coffee lovers who spend most of their time in the café, it’s the best and the perfect place to have coffee and have meetings. When you are in stress then just one cup of coffee makes you relax. Coffee is the lifeblood of virtually every workforce in the world.
In our generation today, more people love to spend their time in a café to relax, unwind, enjoy, and a lot more reasons. Hence, we cannot deny the fact that all people eat and drink, as these two are needed in order to sustain life.
Pests are carriers of food-borne diseases. Pest poses a particular threat to hygiene standards in food preparation and storage areas because of their disease risk and the contamination they cause.
Cafés are the one where the pest can easily get attracted. Every café has the potential to attract pest. Although the bad publicity from a roach infestation could easily be enough to shut down a café for good.
Let us have a look at some of the evidence,
Starbucks fined £12,000 for mice infestation in cafe visited by Blair
Coffee giant Starbucks was fined £12,000 after one of its cafes, once visited by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, was infested with mice.
An environment health officer with 17 years’ experience was hit by a “strong smell of mice” and recurring scenes of filth and mice droppings and staining’s during an inspection at a Starbucks in the heart of London’s West End in November last year.
Mouse droppings were found next to spoons, knives, cups, Clingfilm and boxes of biscuits and coffee that were about to be used, London’s City of Westminster magistrates heard.
Westminster Council decided to prosecute after the state of two storerooms and a serving area at the Villiers Street cafe in the arches of Charing Cross station raised alarm.
One mousetrap in a storeroom “appeared to be weighty and may have had a mouse in it” and the rodent had left “greasy smears”, Felicia Davy for Westminster Council told the court.
Starbucks, which has more than 530 stores and 8,000 partners in the UK, pleaded guilty to four counts of food safety and hygiene breaches.
Rodent droppings, improper temperatures result in state closing Urban Cafe
Urban Cafe in Wilmington was temporarily closed by the health department after an inspector found rodent droppings throughout the eatery and several foods at an improper temperature, including eggs, cheese and butter.
We at C Tech Corporation have a unique, effective, and efficient way to tackle these nuisances.
The unique product Combirepel™ manufactured by C Tech Corporation is an insect, animal, and bird aversive which repels the pests.
Combirepel™ works on the mechanism of repellency. It is an extremely low concern, low toxic, low hazard, non-carcinogenic and non-mutagenic pest aversive. It does not kill or cause harm to the pests as well as to the environment which indirectly helps to maintain the ecological balance.
The products are available in the form of a masterbatch which can be incorporated in pipes, films, cables etc. while manufacturing. This would result in the final cable or wire being rodent repellent. This would be an efficient way of deterring the rodents from chewing the cables and wires and thus negate the possibility of a short circuit.
While the Combirepel™ liquid concentrate, when diluted in paints, can be used to paint the interior and exterior of the café. It can be applied in the kitchen and food storage areas in restaurants.
Combirepel™ lacquer can be coated topically over the applications which need protection. It can be applied to a variety of surfaces like wood, concrete, metal, polymer, ceramic etc.
Our newly developed product in the form of a spray can be sprayed anywhere to repel the pests. The product is compatible with all types of surfaces and can be used by anyone.
Our products provide a safe and environmentally friendly solution to avoid rodent infestation.
CombirepelTM is thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, EU – BPR, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.
Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com to keep the pests away and decrease the use of pesticides.
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