Rodents are known as the scourge of many gardens. Mice, rats, and many other rodents not only cause damage from tunneling through the lawn and garden, but they can also eventually enter your home after colonizing the garden.

Rodents are the unwelcome visitors in the garden. Like any other living creature, rodents are in search of food, water and shelter, garden simply appears to be the best place for rodents to multiply and thrive.
Do Rodents eat plants?
Yes, rodents eat garden plants and they are especially fond of seeds, therefore a newly planted garden seeds are a favorite target for them.
Rodents not only destroy the hard work by eating the plant in the garden but they can also infect the garden with many serious diseases and pathogens. Disease like the salmonellosis can be spread by rat’s droppings including Leptospirosis disease. Once the garden is infected by the rat’s droppings, watering the plant can spread the bacteria from the ground and can further spread onto leaves and fruit
The specific areas of the garden to check for rodent infestations are:
- Sheds: Rats and gophers tunnel under sheds and set up home for them.
- Garbage bins: Garbage bins are the most attractive place for the rodents as it provides them waste food.
- Wood Piles: Wood piles are the most attractive places for rodents to build their nests.
- Bird feeders: Birds drop seeds in the garden, which can attract the rodents. The seeds which are stored can be attractive to many rodents.
Let us have a look at some of the evidence for rodent’s nuisance in garden,
Hundreds of rats swarm Cork woman’s garden leaving her family in fear
Amanda Feeney from Killala Gardens in Knocknaheeny, Cork, said that she can’t even hang her laundry out as the rodents have taken over.
The mum of three children under eight, claims that illegal dumping in the area is causing the problem with cars pulling up and chucking black bags full of rubbish into the estate.
The problem is so bad that she had to get rid of her two dogs as the rats would fight to get their food and frighten them off.
They have eaten through her wheelie bin, her garden shed, climbed her back wall and roam freely around her front and back gardens, leaving her terrified.
Rat problem forces community garden in Harlem to be shut down
HARLEM, Manhattan (WABC) —
Too many rats have forced community leaders to shut down a
garden in Harlem.
People in the neighborhood say it all started when a building was being torn
down, and that sent the rats over.
The rats are bold and unafraid because they definitely
outnumber the farmers. The rats came over when an old abandoned church was
demolished across the street.
“And at some point they start crossing the street and jumping into the
garden,” said neighbor Alejandro Ibanez. “And I could see them
digging and trying to find their way in.”
The rats have taken up residence and so the rare green space where children
played, neighbors met and families barbecued, is closed.
Traditional approaches to rodent population and damage management have relied on direct reduction of populations using rodenticide baits or rodent traps which is of no use.
We, at C Tech Corporation, manufacture a range of extremely low toxicity, extremely low hazard, and environment-friendly pest repellent products.
Our products are a blend of green chemistry and smart technology.
Our product Combirepel™ is an extremely low toxic, low hazard rodent aversive. This product acts through a series of highly developed intricate mechanism ensuring that rodents are kept away from the target application. Our eco-friendly products do not kill the target species but only repel them.
The product triggers a fear response in rodents thus protecting the application. It causes severe temporary distress to the mucous membrane of the rodents due to which the pest stays away from the application. The product triggers an unpleasant reaction in case if the pest tries to gnaw away the application. After encountering the above-mentioned emotions, the animal instinctively perceives it with something it should stay away from and stores this information for future reference. The fact that certain rodents are repelled is mimicked by other rodents as well. Thus, the other rodents too stay away from the applications. The unpleasant experience is imprinted within the animal’s memory and passed on to its progeny.
The products are available in the form of a solid masterbatch, liquid concentrate, lacquer, and wood polish additive.
The product available in the form of solid masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like wires and cables, drip and micro-irrigation pipes, nylon grain bags, plastic mulches, plastic pots, greenhouse films, transport trays, turf and tie wires etc.
The product available in liquid concentrate can be diluted in paints and can be applied to already installed cables and wires, fence and tree guards, the coating of walls and other entry points. The liquid concentrate is compatible with all kinds of paints and solvents.
The already installed cables, pipes, and other application can be coated with our lacquer to protect them from the pests gnawing on this application and thus preventing the damage. The lacquer is a transparent product and it does not wear off easily.
The wood polish additive can be blended with wood polish and applied on the wooden articles and furniture.
Our newly developed product is in the form of a spray which is easy to use the product. It can be sprayed on the infested area to repel the rodents and prevent them from entering the premises.
By using our products, you can get an effective and long-lasting solution against rodent nuisance.
Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.
Also, visit our websites:
1] http://www.ctechcorporation.com/
2] http://www.rodrepel.com/
3] http://www.termirepel.com/
4] http://www.combirepel.com/
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