Woodchucks occasionally eat garden or field crops and can cause considerable damage in a very short period. But have you seen woodchucks damaging vehicles??
Surprised?? Well, it seems they have developed a taste towards the car components besides seeking shelter under the hood.
The groundhog, also known as a woodchuck, is a rodent belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots.
They are usually seen in our fields and gardens burrowing and making tunnels but apparently, they are found under the hoods biting our car components.

The automotive wirings are made of food-grade plastic for a long time now. These make the parts easier to recycle and to meet sustainability targets set by the different government policies. Though ‘green’, these wirings give off a faint smell when warm, which attracts the rodents and they chew up cars.
The soy-based content on wiring and fuel lines attract the pests turning vehicles into a moveable feast for pests.
News reported were:
Woodchucks Destroyed Paul Ryan’s Chevy Suburban
July 19, 2018
While its common for rodents like mice, rats, and squirrels to chew on engine wiring, it’s less common to hear about woodchucks chowing down on this vehicular “delicacy.” Earlier this month, however, House Speaker Paul Ryan had a personal encounter with some destructive groundhogs.
During a speech to The Economic Club of Washington D.C., he expressed sadness over his Chevy Suburban’s demise. “My car was eaten by animals. It’s just dead.”
Ryan went on to articulate the woodchuck ordeal. He had parked his Suburban at his mother’s house in Wisconsin for the winter. when the engine wasn’t working, he towed it to the dealer. A closer investigation revealed chewed wiring as the cause of the vehicle’s death. Apparently a whole clan of woodchucks had been living in the Suburban’s underbody, to keep warm during the chilly season.
Woodchuck responsible for starting car fire in Steamboat Springs euthanized
Firefighters were worried the woodchuck would start another fire
By Matt Stensland | Steamboat Today │May 22, 2017

The woodchuck had climbed into the engine compartment of a Toyota 4Runner that was being stored at a ranch.
After the new owner picked up the car, it caught fire while he was driving to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get it registered.
The driver pulled into the Steamboat Today parking lot, and the woodchuck was seen fleeing the scene.
What’s under the hood? A groundhog!
Lou Whitmire, Reporter | May 18, 2016
MANSFIELD – You can’t just chuck out a woodchuck.

That’s what Carolyn Cyrus learned after a groundhog decided to burrow into the engine compartment of her 2015 Honda CR-V on Tuesday evening.
She got into her car about 7 p.m. Tuesday to go to Drug Mart, and was backing up when she noticed she had no power steering.
She went back inside to get her husband, Roy, who came outside and confirmed the lack of power steering.
Her husband lifted the hood and found the culprit hiding in the engine: a huge groundhog.
“After prodding and poking that thing, he still wouldn’t come out,” Carolyn Cyrus said.
So they put a bowl of dog food outside the car, hoping to lure it out.
Wednesday morning, the dog food and groundhog were gone, Cyrus said.
That was the good news. The bad news?
Her car needs to be repaired. She found three pieces of chewed wire on the ground, and she doesn’t know how much it’s going to cost. She’s not sure if critters crawling up in the engine are covered under the warranty or insurance. The car was towed to the dealership where she purchased it, and she is concerned about when she will get it back.
You can buy the most dependable car on the earth and still face these problems. So what can you do to this?
The solution available with C Tech Corporation to this nuisance is a onetime solution and the need of the hour for the automobile industry. Our products are a blend of green chemistry and smart technology.
Our product Combirepel™ is an extremely low toxic, non-hazardous rodent aversive. This product acts through a series of highly developed intricate mechanism ensuring that rodents are kept away from the target application. Our eco-friendly products do not kill the target species but only repel them. The product is compliant with ROHS, ROHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU BPR, and FIFRA exempted.
The product triggers a fear response in rodents thus protecting the application. It causes severe temporary distress to the mucous membrane of the rodents due to which the pest stays away from the application. The product triggers an unpleasant reaction in case if the pest tries to gnaw away the application. After encountering the above-mentioned emotions, the animal instinctively perceives it with something it should stay away from and stores this information for future reference. The fact that certain rodents are repelled is mimicked by other rodents as well. Thus, the other rodents too stay away from the applications. The unpleasant experience is imprinted within the animal’s memory and passed on to its progeny.
The products are available in the form of a spray, solid masterbatch, liquid concentrate, and lacquer.
Our newly developed product in the form of spray is a must-have product for every car owner! The Combirepel™ Pest Repellent Spray is specially designed for cars. The product can be sprayed on the car components after clearing the dust and waste from the components. The product when applied properly repels the rodents and protects the cars from rodent damage.
The product available in the form of solid masterbatch can be incorporated into the polymeric applications like wires and cables, pipes, oil filters, polymeric switch panels, components of ignition box, fuel tanks, fuel hoses, foam seats, airbags, tires and other polymeric components from cars while they are manufactured. Thus, making the end application rodent resistant.
The product available in liquid concentrate can be diluted in paints and can be applied to interior and exterior of the cars. It can be applied over the bonnet, bumper, doors, trunks etc. The liquid concentrate is compatible with all kinds of paints and solvents.
The already installed cables, electric junction boxes, cable carriers, polymeric hoses, fuel tanks, battery box, and ducts, etc. from the cars can be coated with our lacquer to protect them from the pests gnawing these applications and thus preventing car accidents. The lacquer is transparent product and it does not wear off easily.
By using our products, you can get an effective and long-lasting solution against pest nuisance.
You could thus contribute to us in using products which are eco-friendly thus causing no damage to the environment.
Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.
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