Black Carpet Beetles!

Beetles are a group of insects that form the order Coleoptera, in the superorder Endopterygota. This is one of the largest order of insects. There are more than a quarter million species of beetles in the world. Some beetles can become destructive pests. Carpet beetle larvae eat natural fibers and feathers. They often damage woolens and other fabrics. Other beetles, like powderpost beetles, feed on hardwoods and bamboo. These pests attack furniture and other items made of wood. Some, like the flour beetles and the grain beetles, attack food products in homes. They also damage food in production facilities and stores. Some beetles damage lawns and landscapes. Immature June beetles, called grubs, attack the roots of grass. The elm leaf beetle damages trees by eating the leaves.

Let us find more about the damages and problems caused by black carpet beetles.

Adult carpet beetles measure 2.8 to 5 mm in length. Their pronota and heads are black, and the head is partially concealed from above. Their wings, known as elytra, are brownish black. In warm environments, eggs hatch into larvae within six to 12 days; colder environments delay hatching times to between 15 and 20 days. Black carpet beetle larvae are longer than many other carpet beetle larvae and are brown and gold in color. A clump of golden hairs is located at the end of their bodies. The black carpet beetle is a common carpet beetle in Pennsylvania.

Black carpet beetle larvae can survive up to 640 days and adults can live for a couple of months. Adults do not cause damage indoors. Immature black carpet beetles, called larvae, cause damage to human clothing, furnishings, and other products. These larvae feed on natural fibers, while adults feed primarily on plant nectar and pollen. Larvae scavenge for food in dark and hidden areas. Infestations occur swiftly and often go unnoticed until the damage is widespread.

Now the question is how do Black Carpet Beetles Get Into the House?

The adults are attracted to flowers, and in the spring of the year, they fly into the house. The larvae wander from the nest into the attic and other parts of the house. At times, birds and other animals die in chimneys and elsewhere in the house and their carcasses become a source of food for the larvae. Very often, the black carpet beetles are brought into the house with old woolens and carpeting. Sometimes the black carpet beetles are introduced into a dwelling in stored products such as dried dog food.

The larvae of carpet beetles feed primarily on animal and plant materials such as fur, dander, silk, wool, and feathers. As a result, they damage clothing, furniture, and other household materials. While larvae prefer organic materials, they consume synthetic fibers with oil, perspiration and food stains. They sometimes feed on grains and spices, as well as nuts, cereals, and other milled products. Larvae may also consume animal hair, dead animals, and insects. Larvae can be found living under floors, behind baseboards, inside air ducts, under heavy furniture, and in other hidden areas. Although carpet beetle larvae move slowly, they infest entire homes and cause considerable damage within weeks. Adult carpet beetles feed on plant-based foods outside and can be found scavenging in gardens, where they cause damage to ornamental flora with light petals. While adult carpet beetles do not cause damage to fiber, they are also considered indoor pests.

The use of conventional fumigants, insecticides is no longer considered to be an effective solution to get rid of the beetle infestation as these insects are becoming increasingly resistant to them. The poisonous pesticides used to carry out fumigation are extremely toxic to the environment as well as for humans.

At C Tech Corporation, we offer a safe and effective solution to deal with these insects. Combirepel™ is a non-toxic, non-hazardous product that primarily repels insects from the application. It is a broad spectrum repellent which works against almost 500 species of pestering bugs thus efficaciously repulse them away from the application. The best feature of this product is that it is environmentally safe and causes no harm to the insect as well as humans and the environment. It is available in masterbatch and lacquer form and as a liquid solution. To keep these insects at bay, this product can be coated in lacquer form or added in mulches or films.

Our product works on the mechanism of repellency. It temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects. The product impairs the ability of the insects to reproduce, that is the insects will not lay eggs or the laid eggs will be infertile. The product causes feeding disruption in an insect by triggering an unpleasant reaction within the insect which might try to feed on the application. The product temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.

The product available in the form of masterbatch can be incorporated into the base polymer of the polymeric applications like the wires and cables, pipes, household utilities, etc. to keep the pest away from the application.

The product available in the form of liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints and be applied on the interior and exterior of the houses, schools, hospitals, warehouses, offices etc. to keep these areas safe from these pests.

The product available in the form of lacquer form can be used as a direct application. The lacquer can be applied to the already installed applications like the wires and cable, pipes, metal decors, racks and pallets from stores rooms etc.

Combirepel™ is thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, REACH, APVMA, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

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