Beware, they are invading- Japanese Beetles

Imagine certain beetles are attacking plants in your garden or fields and all you could do is nothing. An infestation of Japanese beetles can be very disheartening. They are a threat to gardeners and farmers everywhere because of their voracious appetite.

Japanese beetles are most active during warm, sunny days. The adults immediately begin feasting on whatever plants are available once they emerge from the ground in spring (June).

Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) originates from north-eastern Asia where it is native in northern Japan and in the far east of Russia. In the USA, P. japonica is established in all states boarding, or east of the Mississippi River, with the possible exception of Florida. Several western states have isolated established populations of the beetle. The beetle has also spread in parts of South Africa, southeastern highlands of Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand and also in eastern Canada.

Japanese beetles are a menace insect pest in the home landscape, vegetable garden, and fruit orchard. With the potential to have large population numbers, they can be found eating almost any plant in sight. They have the potential to literally destroy some plants in a manner of hours.

Beetles can feed over an entire soybean field and cause their damage. They also defoliate asparagus, nearly all varieties of grapes, and many fruit-bearing trees, especially apple, cherry, plum, and peach. Beetles can aggregate and feed in large numbers on the fruit of early-ripening varieties of apple, peach, nectarine, plum, raspberries, and quince.

In the USA, adult Japanese beetle has been observed feeding on at least 295 species of plants in 79 plant families (Fleming, 1972a). These include small fruits, tree fruits, vegetable and garden crops, field crops, woody and herbaceous ornamentals, shade trees, various weeds, and many non-economic species. Maize is one field crop seriously damaged in North America. Economic damage has been recorded on a variety of species.

Japanese beetle larvae feed off the roots of grass plants and cover crops, so it’s important for farmers with cover crops to watch for beetle pressure. Once the larvae become a beetle, it only lives for 30 to 40 days. However, during that time it can cause significant crop damage.

Leaves are decimated and can no longer support the plant. When the leaves have many holes and gaps in their tissue, they are no longer able to spread nutrients effectively nor photosynthesize, and the whole plant will eventually die.

Japanese Beetles could wreak havoc on Colorado foliage this summer

Eric LupherApr 14, 2018

DENVER — It’s that time of year when the trees start blooming and we all start planting. The Colorado Department of Agriculture, however, says the Japanese Beetle will once again wreak havoc on some of our landscapes come the summer months. The very invasive species first started showing up in Colorado in 2006 and they haven’t gone away. The adult beetles eat away at fruits and some tree leaves.

Hordes of Japanese beetles are invading Iowa vineyards
Donnelle Eller July 15, 2017

Julianna and Andy Hrasky got a nasty surprise when they returned home last month: Thousands of Japanese beetles were eating their way through their western Iowa vineyard.
The pests are invading the state in numbers few Iowans have experienced before.

Grapes and other fruit trees and vines are among the pests’ favorite feasts, but they’re also eating foliage from trees, shrubs, and flowers and wreaking havoc with home gardens and flower beds.

About 50-60 percent of Iowa vineyards are spraying pesticides for Japanese beetles, White said.
The Hraskys estimate the pests caused their winery about $20,000 in losses from the one variety. The couple must drop the fruit, with three-fourths of the foliage eaten away.

This shows that these small bugs can cause a huge bite. This menace needs to be stopped. Also, the solution to stop the nuisance has to be effective and environment-friendly.

Efforts are being made to control the spread of this pest. Using beetle traps, insecticidal soaps, even the insecticides. But all of these proved to be of no use. Research conducted at the University of Kentucky showed that the traps attract many more beetles than are actually caught.

Insecticidal soaps are not effective at controlling the Japanese beetle. The insecticides have adverse effects on human health. Also, it affects the non-target species.

C Tech Corporation has a solution to these Japanese beetle menace

 C Tech Corporation has introduced an insect aversive named  Combirepel™.

 Combirepel™ is extremely low toxic, thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, REACH, ISO, APVMA, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Our product works on the mechanism of repellency. It temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects. The product impairs the ability of the insects to reproduce, that is the insects will not lay eggs or the laid eggs will be infertile. The product causes feeding disruption in an insect by triggering an unpleasant reaction within the insect which might try to feed on the application. The product temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.

Our Combirepel™ masterbatch can be incorporated in the agricultural films, polymer materials, greenhouse films, polymer sprinklers, irrigation pipes, plastic parts from pumps and tractors used in the fields.

The product in form of liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints and be painted on the concrete walls around the farms and gardens. It can be applied to the warehouses where the fruits or crops are stored. The liquid concentrate is compatible with all kinds of paints and solvents.

Our lacquer product can be applied to already installed applications. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces like metals, wood, polymers, concrete etc. It can be applied on the wooden fences around the farms and already installed pipes.

Combirepel™ does not kill the target species but only repels them thus balancing the ecology and thus helping in maintaining the goal of sustainability.

Our products are a blend of green chemistry and smart technology. The product does not have any adverse effect on humans. Therefore significant in today’s time and date as ecology salvation has become the prime focus.

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