Pests in restaurants

“Pests had been found in the kitchen area. We do have a pest control contract, and it’s unfortunate that there were a few pests in the traps when they made their return visit.”  – Says Mr. A. Hussain owner of the restaurant Spice, in Village Hill, Flitwick

They got a pest control contract and even then, the pests dared to enter their restaurant! Such a terrible experience!

Imagine on a weekend you are out with your friends to munch at this fancy restaurant. There in your sight goes on the pests roaming around. The next you do is you never ever visit the restaurant again.

Despite the best efforts, the restaurant owners could end up with pests in their kitchen or any kitchen from a restaurant.

Rodents such as mice and rats are the bugbear of every restaurant owner. Sometimes cleaning is just not enough in the restaurant business. There are many ways that a restaurant can develop a problem with mice and with rats and those ways are not always based on cleanliness. The fact is that water and standing water can be just as bad as food or debris.

Contrary to what you may have heard, there is no acceptable or allowable number or amount of pests in a food facility. Pests are strictly illegal in all areas of the establishment, which includes the kitchen, food or equipment storage rooms, restrooms, employee locker and break rooms, customer service and seating areas, trash storage areas and exterior premises. They’re illegal not because they are unsightly, but mainly because they are known carriers of numerous dangerous, disease-causing microorganisms that can be transmitted to your food, the food contact surfaces etc. potentially causing a serious food poisoning. They also contaminate the food with their hair, fecal droppings, urine, saliva, body parts and general filth.

Rats and mice are attracted by food supplies and do not venture far from their shelter or nesting sites, so in a large facility will nest close to accessible food stores. Rats and mice are capable of a rapid increase in population given an abundant food supply; due to the number of litters they can produce and the time to maturity, shelter from predators and benign environmental conditions inside a building.

Not only can they transmit serious diseases, but they can also close a restaurant down fast! Worldwide, rats and mice are known to spread over 35 diseases, according to the Centers for Disease Control. These diseases can be spread to humans directly, through handling of rodents, through contact with rodent feces, urine, or saliva, or through rodent bites. Diseases carried by rodents can also be spread to humans indirectly, through ticks, mites or fleas that have fed on an infected rodent. Cockroaches are proven or suspected carriers of the organisms that cause infections salmonellosis, typhoid fever, cholera, gastroenteritis, dysentery, leprosy, plague etc.

A heavy infestation of cockroaches or rodents will sometimes give the establishment a recognizable musty odor. If you detect this odor or any out of the ordinary odor, be wary about patronizing this establishment. A restaurant and any food facility should always smell clean and of fresh food. Anything else could mean something is wrong.

All types of food facilities, even the newest, nicest, most expensive, elegant restaurant can become infested with vermin. It is fairly common because a restaurant especially is an ideal environment for cockroaches, rats, mice, flies etc. to thrive.

Health inspectors order food facilities to eliminate pest problem countless times. If a food establishment or facility cannot fully eliminate the pests, the inspector is duty-bound to suspend their permit and order them closed and or take legal action and have the local district or city attorney file a criminal misdemeanor complaint against the business and its owner(s). A permit may be suspended immediately, depending on the severity of the infestation. Some jurisdictions may also issue immediate fines or penalties in the form of a ticket or citation.

You may find the evidence for the pest nuisance below:

Customer served COCKROACH in her meal as Dudley restaurant owner is fined for infestation

By David Cosgrove | Stourbridge | News | Published: Feb 14, 2018

A restaurant was found to be infested by cockroaches after a customer was served as one of the pests in her meal.

Shanti Devi Sharma, director of the company which ran Isha’s at Stourbridge Road, Lye, has been fined £9,000 after pleading guilty to nine offenses under food safety and hygiene regulations following the incident in March last year.

Dudley magistrates heard that environmental health officers carried out an inspection of the restaurant, after receiving the customer complaint.

And they discovered cockroaches in the kitchen and beneath a chest freezer – sparking the premises to be closed immediately.

This was subsequently backed by a court order, which forced the closure of the business for six weeks until the infestation was eradicated.

Seafront chippy fined £8k over flies and rats in the kitchen

Posted On 09 Mar 2018 at 2:02 pm By Jo Wadsworth

A Brighton fish and chip restaurant owner who allowed his premises to become a breeding ground for flies and rat infestation has been fined more than £8,000.

There is a lot to consider when setting out to prevent pests’ infestation in any restaurant. Vigilance is perhaps most important. Keeping a restaurant rodent-free is an ongoing job. Pest prevention is crucial to not only prevent enforced closure by health inspectors but to also maintain the positive relationships we have with the customers.

Often using the services of pest control companies is opted by the restaurant owners as they find it easier than dealing with the pest at own. But these service providers are themselves not sure of the efficiency of their products.

The hour calls for the need for a solution which is effective and eco-friendly.

We at C Tech Corporation are in a position to provide unique solutions to the problems caused by these creatures.

At C Tech Corporation we make use of Mother Nature’s gift of senses to these insects in developing non- toxic & non-hazardous formulation!

Combirepel™is a low-toxic, non-hazardous insect aversive.  Combirepel™ is a perfect blend of smart technology and green chemistry. This product acts through a series of highly developed intricate mechanism ensuring that the rodents are kept away from the application.

The product is compliant with RoHS, RoHS, and REACH and is FIFRA exempted. Our eco-friendly products do not kill the target species but only repel them.

The products are available in the form of a masterbatch which can be incorporated in pipes, films, cables etc. while manufacturing. This would result in the final cable or wire being insect repellent. This would be an efficient way of deterring the insects from chewing the cables and wires and thus negate the possibility of a short circuit. While the Combirepel™ liquid concentrate, when diluted in paints, can be used to paint the interior and exterior of the restaurants. It can be applied in the kitchen and food storage areas in restaurants.

Combirepel™ lacquer can be coated topically over the applications which need protection. It can be applied to a variety of surfaces like wood, concrete, metal, polymer, ceramic etc. It can be used on the chairs and tables from hotels. It can be applied on already installed cables and wires, pipes etc.

Our newly developed product in the form of the spray can be sprayed on the pest entry areas. It can be sprayed on the cracks and crevices from where the pests enter. It can be used on the already installed applications like cables, pipes, etc.

Our products provide a safe and environmentally friendly solution to avoid insect infestation in restaurants.

Councillor Ken Muschamp, RBC’s cabinet member for business safety and regulation says “It is a warning to food business operators to act promptly in the event that they become aware of pest problems in order to avoid putting public health at risk.”

Be aware!

If you are facing problems with the sneaky pests that contact us at

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