Japanese beetle: Huge threat to gardens

The gardeners have got worried with the nuisance of these critters called as Japanese beetle who indiscriminately attack their plants and destroy them.

Have you come across a creature like in the picture beside?

If yes, then be alerted!

Your garden is then under attack of the Japanese beetle.

The Japanese beetle is a member of the large and varied family of scarab beetles, the well-known and familiar “junebugs” seen circling the porch light on warm evenings from spring through early summer.

Japanese beetles are blocky and a little less than one-half inch-long and about one-quarter inch wide with a hard shell. The front of the body is shiny, metallic green while the wing covers are copper or bronze. Small white tufts of hair along the sides and back of the abdomen distinguish the Japanese beetle from similar insects.

Certain plants are favorite targets of the Japanese Beetle, however, they do feast on over 200 plant species. Some of their favorite dinner options include roses, hibiscus, grapes, raspberries, linden, sassafras, Japanese maple and Norway maple. A few more of the plants that they damage include boxwood, red maple, flowering dogwoods, hollies, magnolias, and lilacs.

After the eggs hatch, Japanese beetles will be in a larval stage and live in the ground just below the root level of the grass. In this phase, they are a well-known yard pest known as “white grubs”. Before these destructive pests are even eating your plants in their adult beetle form, they are eating your grassroots and damaging the grass in your yard!

Grubs devour grassroots, making it impossible for the plant to absorb water and ultimately kills the grass. They are the nation’s No. 1 turf pest and cause irregular brown spots in your lawn from the feeding grubs. They also attract animals to your yards such as skunks, moles, and raccoons who feed on them and will dig up the soil in search of the grubs.

This destructive life cycle from birth to adult creates a constant chore gardener to defend against.

Gardeners battle Japanese beetle infestation

Megan Hahn

7:30 PM, Jul 18, 2017 – 3KMTV News

OMAHA, Neb. – If you garden or have a house with a yard, chances are you’ve encountered this pesky nuisance: Japanese beetles.

They’re back this year, and in bigger numbers than before.

The beetles feed on about 300 different of plants and are an invasive species. Experts say by the time you’ve spotted them on your plants, it’s probably too late.

“It’ll probably get worse in the next couple years. We’re experiencing sort of the height of the invasion wave at this point,” said Jonathan Larson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension etymologist.

Japanese beetle infestation in Denver metro area devours plants

POSTED 6:40 PM, July 12, 2017, BY TAMMY VIGIL – Fox Denver

DENVER — The Denver metro area is now the home to a beetle that hails from Japan.

Garden experts say there is an infestation of the Japanese beetle that feeds on more than 200 species of plants. And there is very little that can be done to combat them.

Colorado State University horticulture expert Robert Cox said repeated years of the pesky pests eating leaves and damaging them can kill plants.

But a lawn expert said they are more of a nuisance than anything.

“I’m quite a rose gardener. I love my roses here,” said Kathy Rowe of Littleton.

But everything is not so rosy at her pristine home. Her prized flowers have become an all-you-can-eat buffet for the bugs as they polish off petals and lunch on leaves.

“We are in the early stages of the infestation,” said Tony Hahn with Swingle Lawn Care.

Traditionally various pesticides are used to kill the Japenese beetles, but the beetles are showing low response against the pesticides thus proving them ineffective.

To stop the nuisance caused by these beetles there is a need for an effective solution and C Tech Corporation has one!

The unique product Combirepel™manufactured by C Tech Corporation is an anti-insect aversive which repels insects.

Our product works on the mechanism of repellency. It temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects. The product impairs the ability of the insects to reproduce, that is the insects will not lay eggs or the laid eggs will be infertile. The product causes feeding disruption in an insect by triggering an unpleasant reaction within the insect which might try to feed on the application. The product temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.

 Combirepel™ is available in the form of the masterbatch, which can be incorporated with the polymeric applications like agricultural films, gardening tools, wires and cables, pipes, etc. to keep the Japanese beetles at bay.

The product available in the form of liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a predetermined ratio and lacquer which can be applied topically around the concrete fence of gardens.

To keep the insects at the bay  Combirepel™ lacquer can be sprayed or coated on the tree trunks.

The product is also effective against a multitude of other insects and pests like beetles, mayflies, thrips, aphids, etc. The repelling mechanism of the product would ward off the Japenese beetles and other insects that could cause damage. Thus, using  Combirepel™ would effectively ensure that the area around us remain safe and protected from the pests for a long period of time.

In such a way the insects can be repelled and the damage caused by them can be prevented without killing them.

Contact us at  technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com to keep the pests away.

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